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The Process of Writing

The Process of Writing

How do you usually begin to start writing? Is there any ways that help you to write? If you don’t have any ways that help you in writing, this steps may be will help you to do it. Here are the steps you need to complete a quality piece of writing.
A.    Brainstorming
Every writer usually brainstorm before writing about something. Brainstorming is a way to think up ideas for a story or a book. Write down everything that comes to mind. 
B.     Story Starters
It’s mean that the way a story starts is really necessary. A story should have the beginning that interesting and makes the reader want to find out more. So, the reader will keep reading. But, to find a good way to start a story is more difficult than we think.
Examples from The Reading Teacher Book Of Lists :
-        “Get that thing away from me!” the girl yelled.
-        Everyone had a partner but me. What was I supposed to do now?
C.    Graphic Organizers
There are some advantages of graphic organizers:
·         They help you understand how things go together.
·         They help you remember information better.
·         They make it easier to write your final draft.
·         They help organize any type of writing.
There are also some kind of graphic organizers, they are :
·         Cluster Diagrams ( it’s good for descriptive writing)
·         Charts (it’s good for writing directions of how to do something)
·         Venn Diagrams (it’s good for retelling books or stories)
·         Cause and Effects Diagrams ( it’s good for explaining how something happened)
·         Outlines (it’s good for big topics with lots of main ideas and details)
·         Timelines ( it’s good for telling the order of how things happen in time)
D.    First Draft
I           n this case, you need pencil and paper and also a quiet place to start writing. In writing process, usually we need some references such as dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, or everything depend on what you are writing.

E.     Revising
Revising is a process of make changes or corrections in your story, report, assignment, etc. It’s the time to delete words or sentences that you don’t want and to match a sentence with other sentences.
F.     Editing
Editing is the most important process in writing. A writer or editor have to check their spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, and grammar. If punctuation is wrong, the reader may not understand it. If the grammar also wrong, may be he reader can not get what you are saying.
G.    Final Copy
The next step after correcting your writing is final copy. Your final copy shoul be:
Neat                 : either type it on a computer or use your very best handwriting, also no wrinkles, holes, or tears in the paper.
Clean               : no dirty smudge marks or other blotches, or smeared ink.
Visible             : the font should be large enough to read, but not so large that it takes up the whole page and looks silly.
H.    Format
In this case, you should adapt your format with the kind of writing. Do you write a letter, a book report, or bibliography? Whatever you are writing, it should suitable with the format. If you write a story or book report, it should have opening, body, and conclusion. If you write a letter, it should have the date, heading or greeting, body and closing.

Reference :
Handbook ‘Be a Smart Writer’
Saiful, S.Pd., M. Pd., Riwayatiningsih, Rika, S.Pd, Be a Smart Writer, 2010, Kediri : Anugerah Ilmu Kediri

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